Falcaria vulgaris

Primary tabs

Falcaria vulgaris



Naturalized non-invasive (NN)


not endemic


Cyprus:Division 1 naturalized non-invasiveADivision 3 naturalized non-invasiveBDivision 4 naturalized non-invasiveB
A. Hand, R. 2004: Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus IV. – Willdenowia 34: 427-456, B. Hadjikyriakou, G., Makris, C., Christofides, Y. & Alziar, G. 2004: Additions to the flora of Cyprus. – J. Bot. Soc. Bot. France 27: 31-46

Altitudinal range

0 mC,D
C. Hadjikyriakou, G., Makris, C., Christofides, Y. & Alziar, G. 2004: Additions to the flora of Cyprus. – J. Bot. Soc. Bot. France 27: 31-46, D. Hand, R. 2004: Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus IV. – Willdenowia 34: 427-456


Biennial or perennial, glaucescent, glabrous or slightly puberulent, 30-50 cm. Stems erect, divaricately branched from base, flexuous, terete, finely striate-grooved. Leaves somewhat leathery, acutely serrulate; basal leaves long-petioled, undivided or ternately divided; cauline leaves 1-3-ternately divided, ultimate segments 4-20 cm, 2-3-fid, lobes linear-lanceolate, often falcate; uppermost leaves with very reduced blades. Umbels long-peduncled, 5-15(-18)-rayed; rays 2-5 cm; umbellets few-flowered. Bracts and bracteoles 4-8(-10), linear-subulate to filiform, deflexed in fruit. Flowers long-pedicelled. Calyx teeth triangular-subulate. Petals broadly obovate. Stylopodium depressed-conical; styles accrescent in fruit, divergent. Fruit 3-5 mm, shorter than the filiform pedicel, oblong-linear; carpophore splitting to base; mericarps 5-angled, with primary ribs only; oil ducts solitary in each furrow, commissural ducts 2.

Source: Zohary M. 1972: Flora Palaestina 2. - Jerusalem.


Hemicryptophyte / Therophyte

Flowering Period
