Bromus alopecuros subsp. caroli-henrici

Primary tabs

Bromus alopecuros subsp. caroli-henrici


Indigenous (IN)


not endemic


See Scholz (in Hand 2001: 407) for taxonomy. On the other hand, this taxon proved to be only remotely related to B. alopecuros as regards genetical results (Nasiri & al. 2022). Further studies are in need.

Hand R. 2001: Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus II. - Willdenowia 31: 383-409.
Nasiri A., Kazempour-Osaloo S., Hamzehee B., Bull R. D. & Saarela J. M. 2022: A phylogenetic analysis of Bromus (Poaceae: Pooideae: Bromeae) based on nuclear ribosomal and plastid data, with a focus on Bromus sect. Bromus. - PeerJ 10:e13884

Chromosome numbers

2n = 14A
A. Vogt, R. & Aparicio, A. 2000: Chromosome numbers of plants collected during Iter Mediterraneum IV in Cyprus. – Bocconea 11: 117-169 (as Bromus caroli-henrici Greuter)


Division 1 indigenousB
Division 3 indigenousC
Division 6 indigenousD,E
Division 7 indigenousD,E
B. Alziar, G. 2000: Compte rendu du 4ème Iter Mediterraneum. – Bocconea 11: 5-83, C. Hand, R. 2001: Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus II. – Willdenowia 31: 383-409, D. Greuter, W. 1971: Bromus caroli-henrici, eine verkannte ostmediterrane Graminee. – Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 75: 83-89, E. Meikle, R.D. 1985: Flora of Cyprus 2

Altitudinal range

50 mF
F. Hand, R. 2001: Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus II. – Willdenowia 31: 383-409



Flowering Period
