
Meikle, R.D. 1985: Flora of Cyprus 2
1Calyx tubular or campanulate, 5-veined
1'Calyx clearly bilabiate, 10-veined
2Corolla-tube short, less than 10 mm long, shorter than corolla-limb; bracts often blotched white or pink; adaxial lip of corolla entire or subentire, not bifid; plant annual
2'Corolla-tube long, slender, more than 10 mm long, exceeding the corolla-limb; bracts not blotched
3Bracts petiolate; adaxial lip of corolla bifid; flowers striped with darker venation; plant perennial
3'Bracts sessile, amplexicaul; flowers not striped; adaxial lip of corolla entire or obscurely emarginate; plant annual