Brullo, S., Guglielmo, A., Pavone, P. & Salmeri, C. 2008: Taxonomic study on Allium dentiferum Webb & Berthel. (Alliaceae) and its relations with allied species from the Mediterranean. – Taxon 57: 243-353

TitleTaxonomic study on Allium dentiferum Webb & Berthel. (Alliaceae) and its relations with allied species from the Mediterranean
AbbrevtitleTaxonomic study on Allium dentiferum Webb & Berthel. (Alliaceae) and its relations with allied species from the Mediterranean
AuthorshipBrullo, S., Guglielmo, A., Pavone, P. & Salmeri, C.
Date published2008
In journalTaxon